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Obec Jeseník nad Odrou

Chapel of Saint Anne

Chapel of Saint Anne

A brick chapel from the year 1851, it is a proof of the continuance of baroque architectonical form in a village environment in the 19th century.

The chapel has a longitudinal ground plan, the conclusion is slightly narrower and set-back, the corners in the set-back are chamfered. Along the building runs a moulded crown cornice. The façade is crowned by a gable with a volute /scrollwork coat-of-arms overbuilding; there is a saddle-back roof with a pinnacle and a lantern. The façade was at the end of the 1960s roughcast with cement plaster, the plastic details like the pilasters with palmettes on the capitals / chapiters and festoons on the gable and on the façade were removed. The chapel is situated in the centre of the village next to the house with the descriptive number 8.

Date of insertion: 11. 5. 2021 14:24
Last updated on: 11. 5. 2021 14:25

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today, Thursday 13. 2. 2025
snow 1 °C 0 °C
Friday 14. 2. snow 1/-4 °C
Saturday 15. 2. scattered clouds 0/-8 °C
Sunday 16. 2. light snow -3/-8 °C


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