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Obec Jeseník nad Odrou

Castle Park / garden

Castle Park / garden

The castle park is a natural park with landscape character, bordering on the west side with a road, on the east side with acres, on the south with estate outbuildings and in the north with a pond.

The park is followed up by an alley around the pond. Still in the 1960s there stood a statue of Saint Hubertus in the eastern part of the park, but nowadays there is only the remaining pedestal. The park is unattended.

Significant timber species: white soft pine; English oak or pedunculate oak, London plane tree.

Date of insertion: 11. 5. 2021 14:28
Last updated on: 11. 5. 2021 14:29

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Saturday 15. 2. scattered clouds 0/-8 °C


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