Until 1728 it was only partly built and not finished. In the course of following years every owner had participated in a way to the improvement of the castle building. The final appearance is of the late baroque style. Around the castle was a park set out, which was once rich in rare exotic trees like the Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' – beech tree, black pine, gingo biloba, platanus. The castle was then used as a summer residency by the owners; since 1707 it was the stewards´ duty to take care of the whole castle and the estate. Since that year onwards written reports emerge about its activities.
Castle owners since 1728:
1728–1790 Lords of Antlern and Witten, Castle and Estate in Jeseníku nad Odrou
1790–1800 Countess Maria Anna Freifrau (free Lady) of Gilleis,
1800–1821 Countess Maria Walburga Truchsess – Zeyl,
1821–1831 Imperial-Royal official clerk Valentin Laminet from Opava,
1831–1834 Franz Hubert Stucker knight of Meiershofer,
1834–1848 Emanuel Count Miremont,
1848–1851 Max Count Harnouncourt – Unverzagt,
1851–1862 industrialist Ferdinand Zinner from Vienna, after his death his wife Pauline.
Since Pauline died childless her niece Sarlota von Cischini inherited the castle; she died during World War II. The last mentioned castle owner was Heinrich Stecker, who was presumably only its steward. To the castle belonged a vast estate, which was founded a long time before the castle. As any other estates this one also had a manor brewery, which until 1896 was operational.
Allegedly had the Jesenik beer a very good reputation and was quite in demand. It had an in-house bar. But the often change of brewers and the competition of the surrounding more modern city breweries lead to its downfall and in 1900 to its change from a brewery into a malt house. But that also ceased to exist after the World War I. Until 1945 was the building used as a pub. It was the house with the description number 3.
Currently is the castle in private ownership, it is undergoing a complete reconstruction and therefore closed for the public.