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Obec Jeseník nad Odrou

The castle and the estate in Jeseníku nad Odrou

The castle and the estate in Jeseníku nad Odrou

The castle was built by Rudolf Freiherr (free lord) of Witten.

Until 1728 it was only partly built and not finished. In the course of following years every owner had participated in a way to the improvement of the castle building. The final appearance is of the late baroque style. Around the castle was a park set out, which was once rich in rare exotic trees like the Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' – beech tree, black pine, gingo biloba, platanus. The castle was then used as a summer residency by the owners; since 1707 it was the stewards´ duty to take care of the whole castle and the estate. Since that year onwards written reports emerge about its activities.

Castle owners since 1728:
1728–1790 Lords of Antlern and Witten, Castle and Estate in Jeseníku nad Odrou
1790–1800 Countess Maria Anna Freifrau (free Lady) of Gilleis,
1800–1821 Countess Maria Walburga Truchsess – Zeyl,
1821–1831 Imperial-Royal official clerk Valentin Laminet from Opava,
1831–1834 Franz Hubert Stucker knight of Meiershofer,
1834–1848 Emanuel Count Miremont,
1848–1851 Max Count Harnouncourt – Unverzagt,
1851–1862 industrialist Ferdinand Zinner from Vienna, after his death his wife Pauline.

Since Pauline died childless her niece Sarlota von Cischini inherited the castle; she died during World War II. The last mentioned castle owner was Heinrich Stecker, who was presumably only its steward. To the castle belonged a vast estate, which was founded a long time before the castle. As any other estates this one also had a manor brewery, which until 1896 was operational.

Allegedly had the Jesenik beer a very good reputation and was quite in demand. It had an in-house bar. But the often change of brewers and the competition of the surrounding more modern city breweries lead to its downfall and in 1900 to its change from a brewery into a malt house. But that also ceased to exist after the World War I. Until 1945 was the building used as a pub. It was the house with the description number 3.

Currently is the castle in private ownership, it is undergoing a complete reconstruction and therefore closed for the public.

Date of insertion: 11. 5. 2021 14:26
Last updated on: 11. 5. 2021 14:28

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